Animal Trait Correlation Database
The Animal CorrDB Release
Dec 27, 2012


Release 1
(Dec 27, 2012): The first preliminary release of Animal Correlation Database (CorrDB) that included 3,635 cattle correlation data (Genetic Correlation: 2,309; Phenotypic correlation: 2,057; Residual correlation: 951 Environment correlation: 9) on 238 cattle traits; and 519 heritability data on 272 cattle traits.

Functions: A co-development strategy has been taken to share tools and resources with the QTLdb. Modified data tables, scripts, and routines from QTLdb are serving the purposes well for PubMed references and trait ontology managements within and between the two databases. Development of data curation pipelines is consider the needs from each database, thus significantly saving time and efforts.

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