Animal Trait Correlation Database
The Animal CorrDB Release
Aug 24, 2022


Release 16
(Aug 24, 2022): New data updates made to previously curated correlation data: 4,526 [Breakdown by species: cattle: 1,758; chicken: 898; pig: 1,096; sheep: 774]. Updates made on trait data related to correlation data: 1,632 [Breakdown by species: cattle: 395; chicken: 35; horse: 5; pig: 908; sheep: 289]. Updates made on trait data related to heritability data: 92 [Breakdown by species: cattle: 30; chicken: 3; horse: 1; pig: 39; sheep: 18].

A sum of 281 new correlations [Breakdown by species -- Pig: 46; Cattle: 115; Chicken: 120; ] and a sum of 93 new heritability data [Breakdown by species -- Pig: 38; Cattle: 36; Chicken: 6; Sheep: 13; ] have been curated into the CorrDB. To date, the total number of correlation data in the database: 25,137 [Breakdown by species -- Cattle: 13,118 (on 353 traits); Chicken: 1,745 (on 78 traits); Horse: 209 (on 27 traits); Pig: 7,783 (on 226 traits); Sheep: 1,971 (on 70 traits); Goat: 311 (on 32 traits)], and total heritability data: 4,567 [Breakdown by species -- Cattle: 2,279 (on 406 traits); Chicken: 349 (on 104 traits); Horse: 123 (on 53 traits); Pig: 1,529 (on 267 traits); Sheep: 282 (on 96 traits); Goat: 5 (on 2 traits)], curated from 457 publications.
( This is a joint release with the 48th QTLdb release.)

Database developments: As part of our efforts implementing a new trait variant management system (reported in our 2022 WCGALP paper), our efforts this summer were focused on an extensive data curation changes on all existing data in the QTLdb and CorrDB reflecting the data management structural change implemented a short while ago (see our database release 47). This effort has resulted in 254,573 QTL/associations, 1,632 correlations, and 92 heritability data updates. A positive effect on the trait data management in QTLdb/CorrDB is a significant reduction in the number of traits (for correlation data, from 902 to 786, -12.9%; for heritability data, from 1,061 to 928, -14.9%; for QTL/association data, from 2,272 to 2,146, -5.9%).

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