Building the Future: Celebrating 20 Years Success of Animal QTLdb (2004 - 2024)
This year marks 20 years since the first public release of the Animal QTLdb. The database was developed to facilitate G2P research in the livestock genomics research community. Over the years, this online database has been run continually by the developers/maintainers at Iowa State University. We are developing a web page dedicated to highlight the major progress we have made. We welcome inputs in terms of its past success and future prospectives.

Our 20 years success cannot be here without users participation, either by contributing your data, by providing useful suggestions, or simply by using it in your works. We thank all inputs from users that helped to shape our efforts.


© 2003-2024: USA · USDA · NRPSP8 · Program to Accelerate Animal Genomics Applications. Contact: Bioinformatics Team