The Animal QTLdb Release
Apr 21, 2009


Release 8

(Apr 21, 2009): (1) 955 new QTL data are added to the database (Pig: 569; Cattle: 252; Chiken: 134). (2) Data download also includes QTL genome locations ("bp") now. (3) Pig QTL are ported to view in GBrowse for chromosomes that have genome assemblies available. Cattle QTL: 1,377; Chicken QTL: 791; Pig QTL: 2,102; Sheep QTL: 84.
New functions added: (1) QTL data can now be downloaded in GFF format for use in external analysis such as uploading to UCSC site or to a GBrowse for genome feature alignments. (2) Bovine 50K SNP chip elements are aligned in GBrowse.

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