The Animal QTLdb Release
Apr 26, 2021
Release 44
(Apr 26, 2021):
A sum of 5,176 new QTL/associations have been curated into the database.
(New additions less obsolete/retracted ones: Cattle: 1,116; Chicken: 1,173;
Pig: 2,351; Sheep: 25; Rainbow trout: 509 -- Net increase: 5,176).
In addition, 453 previously curated data were updated as part of our data
quarantine routine.
The current total number of QTL in the database: 216,194
[Breakdown by species -- Cattle: 161,756; Chicken: 14,049; Goat: 0;
Horse: 2,470; Pig: 33,143; Sheep: 3,571; Rainbow trout: 1,205] Database developments: (1) The Animal QTLdb is published on Figshare open access platform through the Iowa State University Library. Subsequently, now each database has an universal Digital Object Identifier (DOI), and all are covered by the Creative Commons licenses. As a result, there can be alternative ways how the users of the QTLdb or CorrDB can properly cite the use of the database resources and/or tools. Please check each database website to find more details (click on respective web page footages for copyright claims, and citation details; the same information is pre-pended to all download data files as well). (2) Continued improvements are being made to facilitate the curation of eQTL information into the database. For example, Cis/Trans eQTL information are curated to the Animal QTLdb and can be seen on QTL details and data summary (by publication) pages where such data is available. (3) We have been engaged in continued developmental works to transit the QTLdb from linkage map based database infrastructure to be genome map based, and to accommodate more structural genomics data types. Thanks to Holly Neibergs from Washington State University and Gabrielle Becker from University of Idaho for contributing their data and curation efforts.
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USA · USDA · NRPSP8 · Program to Accelerate Animal Genomics Applications.