Release 54
(Aug 25, 2024)
Curators: Zhiliang Hu / Cari Park
Curated: 2014-06-20
Updated: 2024-04-23

Publication # 24906442 Details

Authors: Mahdi Saatchi, Robert D Schnabel, Jeremy F Taylor and Dorian J Garrick (Contact:
Affiliation: Iowa State University
Title: Large-effect pleiotropic or closely linked QTL segregate within and across ten US cattle breeds
Journal: BMC Genomics, 15:442 (2014) DOI: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-442
Links:   PubMed  |  Abstract   |   ( Related study: none )
  • Click on each trait to browse further along the related trait ontology tree
  • Click on each chromosome number to find the detailed QTL information on that chromosome

Number of QTL/association reported by traits:

QTL/association Reported by chromosomes:

Pleiotropic QTL found:

  1. BTA2_6, on Chr.2 : 7 QTL; involving 5 traits in 2 breeds.
  2. BTA5_48-50, on Chr.5 : 6 QTL; involving 4 traits in 2 breeds.
  3. BTA5_106, on Chr.5 : 3 QTL; involving 1 traits in 1 breeds.
  4. BTA6_37-42, on Chr.6 : 47 QTL; involving 5 traits in 7 breeds.
  5. BTA7_93, on Chr.7 : 21 QTL; involving 4 traits in 6 breeds.
  6. BTA14_23-26, on Chr.14 : 26 QTL; involving 3 traits in 3 breeds.
  7. BTA15_38-39, on Chr.15 : 3 QTL; involving 2 traits in 1 breeds.
  8. BTA20_4, on Chr.20 : 22 QTL; involving 5 traits in 4 breeds.
  9. BTA29_30, on Chr.29 : 3 QTL; involving 2 traits in 1 breeds.

Number of gene-based eQTL/associations:

  • None


Cite this Dataset:

Animal QTLdb: Dataset from Mahdi Saatchi, Robert D Schnabel, Jeremy F Taylor and Dorian J Garrick (2014). Large-effect pleiotropic or closely linked QTL segregate within and across ten US cattle breeds. BMC Genomics, 15:442; Curated into QTLdb on 2014-03-27. Universal link to this data set:


Mahdi Saatchi, Robert D Schnabel, Jeremy F Taylor and Dorian J Garrick (2014). Large-effect pleiotropic or closely linked QTL segregate within and across ten US cattle breeds. BMC Genomics, 15:442; DOI:


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