Developmental works (2003-2023)
  1. Development of the community interest groups platform - foster and host web sites as instant information sharing and communication hub for special interest groups on their events, collaborations, exchanges, etc.
    Status: Active
  2. Web Site Developments for FAANG Consortium - Functional Annotation of ANimal Genomes - for its membership, data portal, events, and other community effort activities
    Status: Active
  3. Clinical Measurement Ontology (CMO) Project - Enhancing the ability to standardize phenotype nomenclature
    Status: In progress.
  4. Livestock Product Trait (LPT) Ontology Project - Enhancing the ability to standardize phenotype nomenclature
    Status: In progress.
  5. Vertebrate Trait (VT) Ontology Project - Enhancing the ability to standardize phenotype nomenclature
  6. Virtual Comparative Map (VCmap) Tool
    Status: Active (A poster was presented on the Plant & Animal Genomes XVIII Conference, January 14-19, 2011, San Diego, CA; Manuscript under preparation)
  7. Employ GBrowse and JBrowse to display genome feature alignments
    Status: Success; on-going
  8. Employ BioMART for users to easily download genome information
    Status: Success; on-going
  9. Developing Frameworks and Tools for Animal Trait Ontology (ATO)
    Status: Active (Abstract to PAG-XIV, San Diego, CA, January 14-18, 2006); A paper published on Journal of Animal Science, 86: 1485-1491.
  10. Expeditor: A Pipeline for Designing Primers Using Human Gene Structure and Livestock Animal EST Information
    Status: Success; Published (Journal of Heredity, 96(1): 80-82, January 2005)
  11. PigQTLdb: A QTL Resource and Comparison Tool for Pigs
    Status: Success; Published (Mammalian Genome, 16(10): 792-800 (2005)
  12. PigQTLdb Extension: Genome-wide Alignment of BAC FPC Maps and RH Maps for QTL Positional Gene Mining
    Status: Initial success; Active (Abstracts to Plant and Animal Genome Conference, 2006, 2007, 2008; Abstract to International Sciety for Aniaml Genetics Bi-annual conference, 2008)
  13. Animal QTLdb: Evolved from PigQTLdb, a QTL database that contains data from cattle, chikcens and pigs; A public editor that allows users to input own data.
    Status: Success; Published (Nucleic Acids Research, 2007, 35: D604-D609); Nucleic Acids Research, 2007, 35: D604-D609; Mammalian Genome, 18: 1-4 (2007)
  14. NAGRP Blast Server: NAGRP Blast Server with NCBI Blast Suite; An Automated Mechanism to Update the Sequence Databases Daily, Weekly, or Monthly Depending on the Data Sets.
    Status: Success; Serving on-line since November 2004; An 8-node cluster computer is dedicated to blast starting from 2007.
  15. Berk-York QTL Mapping Database Tool Set
    Status: Success; Serving on-line since December 2009.
  16. GBrowse alignments of gene annotations, QTL, SNPs, and other genome features for cattle, chicken, pig, sheep, horse, catfish, etc.
    Status: Success; Serving on-line since October 2008.
  17. Crittenden Genomics References: Migration of Crittenden Genomics References Archive from Flat Files to MySQL Database
    Status: Success; Serving on-line since March 2005; Decommissioned 2007.
  18. Genetic Software db: Genetic Analysis Software Database
    Status: Initial success; Serving on-line since August 2005. (Abstract to PAG-XIV, San Diego, CA, January 14-18, 2006)
  19. Events manager: Public Web Tool for Community Events Updates - Conferences, Meetings, Workshops
    Status: Success; Serving on-line since May 2005.
  20. AnGenMap and AquaGenomics Community user discussion forums, mail archives, and member directories, to automate the member on-line activities and allow users to manege their own access rights.
    Status: Success; Serving on-line since May 2005.
  21. Tool Box: A collection of small Bioinformatics Tools developed by the NAGRP Bioinformatics Team (there are more than a couple dozen tools now).
    Status: Active; Serving on-line since January 2006.
You are welcome to suggest new projects or request for new services that may benefit the whole NAGRP community. Please feel free to contact our Bioinformatics Team.


© 2003-2025: USA · USDA · NRPSP8 · Program to Accelerate Animal Genomics Applications. Contact: Bioinformatics Team