Staden, GCG, and EGCG programmes can be run in many different
ways. They can be given as text commands in a UNIX session, they can be accessed
through a graphical front-end (XStaden, WPI,
and GDE), and E/GCG
is available via a WWW forms system developed at the Belgian
EMBNet node.
While these systems look and feel very different, they all run the DNA sequence
analysis programmes by passing the simple text commands to the computer. Thus,
it is important to have an understanding of what the text commands look like
and how their different options can affect the programmes. To start, we will
look at the few UNIX commands that you need to know in order to run the
Staden, GCG, and EGCG programs and to look at their results.
UNIX commands are entered at the prompt> and
delivered to the system with the <RETURN> key.
UNIX commands have a syntax, just like any language; there is a correct order
for the words in a command, and MANY incorrect orders. Mix up the order, and
UNIX is unlikely to be clever enough to understand what you want it to do! The
most general form of UNIX command syntax is
UNIX expects all of its commands to be lower-case, though flags and arguments
may be a mixture of cases. Remember, UNIX is case-sensitive!
As a trivial example, suppose you wanted to translate the following English
For a genuine example of a UNIX command, consider
For a partial listing of useful UNIX commands, complete with correct syntax
and examples, check our Useful UNIX commands
page. If the command you want isn't there, try
Finally, when using E/GCG commands in UNIX, there
is one important "feature" for the
arguments; the case you use for the names of database
entries is unimportant, but all filenames must be in lower case.
Different files have different names and/or different locations - and there
is a convention that filenames end with a three letter extension that indicates
the type of data held in the file,
e.g., .txt for text, .seq for sequences, .pep for
peptides, .dat for generic data, etc.
Files can be created, deleted, altered, overwritten, moved around,
copied, renamed, printed out to a screen or a printer, searched,
compared, sorted, counted and transferred over the network to computers
on other sites.
prompt> touch easyunix.txt
prompt> pico easyunix.txt
prompt> more easyunix.txt
prompt> cp easyunix.txt opinion.txt
prompt> mv easyunix.txt unixcmds.txt
prompt> pico unixcmds.txt
prompt> more unixcmds.txt
Delete opinion.txt.
prompt> rm opinion.txt
Directories can be created, copied, deleted, renamed, searched and transferred
over the network to computers on other sites. Files can be moved between or
copied among specified directories.
You work in one directory at a time. This is known as the present working
directory. The directory you begin with when you login is your
home directory. You can easily return to your home
directory from any other directory by giving the UNIX command
"cd" with no argument.
prompt> mkdir Unixinfo
prompt> cd Unixinfo
prompt> pwd
prompt> cp ../unixcmds.txt .
prompt> ls -l .. ; ls -l
prompt> cd
Most computer mice have two or three buttons - generally when selecting
text or clicking on a menu item, etc., the LEFT BUTTON is used.
X-Windows can be expanded to fill the full screen (or restored to their
original size) by clicking on a button, usually in top left or right corner.
Another button, also usually in the top left or right corner, causes an
X-Window to shrink down to an icon. X-Window icons may be stored along the
bottom or to one side of the screen. Icons can be re-opened into X-Windows by
double clicking on them.
X-Windows can be dragged around the screen by pressing the left button when the
pointer is on an edge of the window, and then moving the mouse. X-Windows can
also grow and shrink under mouse movement control when the pointer is
activated in a window corner.
You can only enter text (type things) in an X-Window when the pointer is over
that window.
prompt> mxterm -n Practice &
(NB 1: the "-n Practice"
flag names the new mxterm X-Window, and the
"&" symbol runs this programme -
mxterm - as a background process)
prompt> cat > nonsense.txt
(NB: This is a quick way to grab short pieces of text
from a file and store them in another. To add more text to
prompt> exit
localhostprompt> xhost +
prompt> printenv DISPLAY
If there is no response, you must set the DISPLAY variable
prompt> setenv DISPLAY
(Don't know your local computers IP address? Here's a quick solution for
UNIX workstations)
localhostprompt> telnet `hostname`
UNIX Commands
command -flag(s) argument(s)
The command is WHAT you want to do, the
-flags help refine the command, saying HOW you want
it done, and the arguments tell the OBJECT of the
command - the things to be acted upon.
"Would you please quickly rake up the leaves in the garden today?"
into UNIX. The translation might look something like
prompt> rake -quickly -today gardenleaves
In fact, given the absence of vowels and longer words from most UNIX commands
and flags, the actual command is more likely to be
prompt> rk -f -n gardenleaves
where rk is short for
-f is short for fast (=quickly),
and -n is short for now (=today).
prompt> ls -la Dirname
Here, ls is short for
-l is short for long (=all details),
and -a is short for all (=all files,
even the hidden ones).
Dirname is the name of the directory of files for
which you want the listing.
prompt> man -k command
UNIX may have the command, but condensed or renamed beyond recognition!
Text files
Data on computers (text, programmes, sequences etc.) is held in blocks
of information called 'files'.
A directory is a group of files or other directories. A directory within another
is often called a sub-directory, to reflect this hierarchical organisation.
X-Windows is the name of the standard graphical front-end of the UNIX
operating system. An X-Windows programme usually supports use of a pointing
& selecting device - a mouse - and displays colours. We will be using
X-Windows versions of some of the DNA analysis programmes in this
tutorial, so some X-Windows basics are necessary. (NB: Running
X-Windows isn't required for the tutorial, only recommended!)
(NB 2: this command may not work! 1 )
1 If the command "mxterm -n Practice &"
doesn't work ...
(or similar)
Trying 123.456.789.10...
(or similar)
Please continue with Part
2 - DNA Sequence Assembly with Staden - 1
(under construction!)
Instead, continue with Part 4 - DNA
Sequence Editing and Exchange