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Discussion Group

ANGENMAP (ANimal GENe MAPpers) is an internet discussion and information sharing group in the broad fields of animal genome research. The purpose of the group is to promote the exchange of information related but not limited to, animal gene mapping, genetics, genomics, and bioinformaitcs. Currently we have 3,138 members from more than 50 countries or regions in the world. The mail traffic on the list is moderate, only about 300-500 mails per year.

  • Multi-omics Bioinformatics Scientist ...
  • Red Poll cattle genotypes
  • chicken genomic primer suggestions
  • Assistant Professor of Poultry Science at UC ...
  • Postdoc Position available at Iowa State ...
  • Invite to submit papers to a special issue ...
  • scientific symposium in honor of Dr. Sue ...
  • September online meeting of the Animal ...
  • Survey on PIGWEB Metadata
  • Course on Data Analytics and Digital Tools ...
  • ARC Training Centre in Predictive Breeding ...
  • Introduction to Statistics in R course in ...
  • Post-doctoral Fellowship in Animal Science - ...
  • Online course: Introduction to Deep Learning ...
  • What's new on the NAGRP animal genome web
  • NRSP8 Travel Award for PAG32/USA
  • Data Analyst Position Available at Iowa ...
  • USDA-ARS Postdoctoral Fellowship in ...
  • . . .

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(Subscribers Only)
To peer at the activities

You have to subscribe to the list in order to send/ receive mails to the group. Questions, problems, comments, job notices and other items can be sent via email to the discussion group mailing list address. Responses are then shared with the group or individually.

To search the list archive tips Boolean logics:    Case: Time range: 1993 - a week ago Last 10 days

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 Worldwide distributions of AnGenMap subscribers

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A user can manage his/her subscription or unsubscription options via own profile on Animal Genome Research Community Directory. The directory is a multi-purpose user profile management platform for all mailing lists hosted at the By default, user subscriptions to a listserv is set to "opt out" (unsubscribed) for new members. You have to purposely turn it on ("opt in"/"subscribe") in order to be on a list, or you will remain "off" a list.
Login your account on the Animal Genome Research Community Directory, change the AnGenMap mail list option to "Subscribe to AnGenMap listserv".
Login your account on the Animal Genome Research Community Directory, change the AnGenMap mail list option to "Unsubscribe from AnGenMap listserv".
ATTENTION: This list is for non-profit, educational and research related purposes only. No commercial advertisement be sent to the list.



© 2003-2024: USA · USDA · NRPSP8 · Program to Accelerate Animal Genomics Applications. Contact: Bioinformatics Team