
Sample Discussions

Selected hot topics

  1. Gene mapping: origin, development, status, etc.
  2. Number of avian genes
  3. Porcine protein database search and GO annotations
  4. DNA extraction methods
  5. Discrepancy between two-pt and multipoint analysis
  6. X-linked Linkage Mapping
  7. Sheep small SNPchip development
  8. Experiences with Genotypers: capacity?
  9. Pseudoautosomal boundary (PAB) in Pig reference genome
  10. Guide on deep learning
  11. Linkage mapping software for SNP chip data in pedigrees
  12. Create Pedigree applying DATA and huge PEDIGREE files
  13. Pedigree drawing software
  14. Software for exact p-values for association analysis
  15. Inbreeding coefficents
  16. P-value and Type I error
  17. Inbreeding coefficient from a pedigree
  18. On funding research- The Scientist on a Nature paper
  19. Publish or Perish
  20. Peer review system
  21. Use of first person in writing manuscripts



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