AnGenMap ArchivedPost

From jfmedranoucdavis.edu  Mon Dec  9 19:42:29 2013
From: Juan F Medrano <jfmedranoucdavis.edu>
Postmaster: submission approved
To: Multiple Recipients of <angenmapanimalgenome.org>
Date: Mon, 09 Dec 2013 19:42:29 -0600
Cattle Genome Coordinator Newsletter

December, 2013


1. Welcome to returning and new bovine genome co-coordinators

2. Important priorities for NRSP-8, as related to Cattle Genomics for the
   next 5 years

3. Cattle/Sheep/Goat/NRSP-8 Program at Plant and Animal Genome XXII in San

4. Congratulations to the Neal A. Jorgenson Graduate Student PAG Travel
   Award winners

5. Bovine Genome Improvement Consortium hosts its first conference call

6. Cattle genomic database

7. USDA NIFA Fellowships Grant Program - Letter of intent Due 12/12/2013

8. Upcoming Conferences and abstract submission dates


1. Welcome to returning and new bovine genome co-coordinators

Welcome to this 1st edition of the Cattle Genome Coordinator Newsletter.
With the renewal of NRSP-8 project for another 5 years (which began October
1, 2013), we see the return of Juan Medrano, UC Davis (jfmedranoucdavis.edu)
as Cattle Genome Coordinator, and new co-coordinators Jerry Taylor,
University of Missouri (taylorjerrmissouri.edu), and Alison Van Eenennaam,
UC Davis (alvaneenennaamucdavis.edu). We hope to keep the Cattle Genome
Community informed of developments and activities of the Cattle Genome
Coordinators through this periodic newsletter. If you have any informational
items you would like distributed via this newsletter please call Alison Van
Eenennaam at (530) 752-7942, or Email alvaneenennaamucdavis.edu.

2. Important priorities for NRSP-8, as related to Cattle Genomics for the
next 5 years are:

1) Development of a significantly improved Dominette bovine reference genome
sequence assembly, including annotation and sequence variation derived from
other breeds of cattle (see No.4 below). 2) Development of a repository for
large datasets of phenotype and genomic data (see No. 5 below). 3)
Translation of genetic findings from NRSP-8 and USDA AFRI-funded projects
into tangible deliverables for industry.

3. Cattle/Sheep/Goat/NRSP-8 Program at Plant and Animal Genome XXII in San

Thanks to Joan Lunney from the USDA ARS BARC and Kristi Cammack from the
University of Wyoming for putting together the speakers for the
Cattle/Sheep/Goat sessions at this year's PAG. The first workshop starts at
8 am-12:30 on Saturday January 11, 2014
(https://pag.confex.com/...n2121.html); and continues
at 1:30 pm (https://pag.confex.com/...n2119.html).
The afternoon session will include NSRP-8 Station Reports and all are
encourage to attend.

Sunday sees the second Cattle/Sheep/Goat session at 8 am-12:30 pm in the San
Diego room. (https://pag.confex.com/...n2120.html).
The NRSP-8 Animal Genome workshop is Sunday 1:30PM
(https://pag.confex.com/...n2181.html).  Please find
the Bovine Genome Coordinators at PAG and give us feedback on how we can
work to strengthen collaborative efforts in the Bovine Genome Community.

4. Congratulations to the PAG XXII Neal A. Jorgenson Graduate Student Travel
Award winners

Two students were selected to receive the Neal A. Jorgenson Genome Travel
Award by the Bovine Genome coordinators. They are Justin Buchanan,
Department of Animal Science, Oklahoma State University; and Erika Downey,
Department of Veterinary Integrative Biosciences, Texas A&M. This award
provides up to $1000 for travel expenses and registration provided by the
bovine genome coordinator, for each of two graduate students in the US to
travel to and attend PAGXXII. Look for their posters at PAG XXII!

5. Bovine Genome Improvement Consortium hosts its first conference call

The Bovine Genome Improvement Consortium is a group of scientists working to
improve the bovine reference genome assembly and annotation. Multiple data
types have been or are in the process of being generated, such as an optical
map, Illumina sequence, PacBio sequence, and improved gene predictions based
on RNA-seq data. All of the data will be derived from L1 Dominette 01449,
the reference animal. The goal of the group is a single reference genome
sequence with fewer gaps, misassemblies, and missing genes. The consortium
held a conference call November 21, 2013 to coordinate efforts between
various projects. For more information contact Jared Decker at the
University of Missouri (DeckerJEmissouri.edu) who is taking a lead on this
project, or Lakshmi Kumar Matukumalli (lmatukumallinifa.usda.gov).

6. Cattle genomic database

USDA-ARS National Animal Germplasm Program (NAGP) and Colorado State
University Experimental Station have joined efforts to start the development
of genomic databases that will serve as a repository for DNA data from the
large animal genomics projects funded by AFRI, the dairy and beef industry,
and other large projects that may have valuable data that need permanent
archiving for future research. This effort coupled with the capacities to
already store phenotypic and production system data in Animal-GRIN as well
as germplasm/tissue samples will facilitate the communities' efforts to
maintain valuable data for future use.  Please be alert for the first
meeting in early 2014 of technical experts and industry partners to explain
the design process and to solicit recommendations for its implementation.
For information please contact Harvey Blackburn at NAGP

7. USDA NIFA Fellowships Grant Program

USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) is accepting
applications for the program under its Agriculture and Food Research
Initiative (AFRI) which seeks to develop the technical and academic
competence of doctoral candidates and the research independence and teaching
competencies of postdoctoral students in the food, forestry and agricultural
sciences, which are within NIFA's AFRI Challenge Areas through
well-developed and highly interactive mentoring and training activities.
Project types supported by AFRI within this RFA include single-function
Research, Education, and Extension Projects and multi-function Integrated
Research, Education, and/or Extension Projects. Applicants must be a
citizen, national, or permanent resident of the United States. NIFA
anticipates having approximately $6 million in total available grant funds
for the program in fiscal year (FY) 2014. Letter of intent Due Date December
12, 2013. Applications due February 20, 2014. The Announcement is available
at http://www.nifa.usda.gov/...owshps.pdf

8. Upcoming Conferences

* Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) Genetic Prediction Workshop, Kansas
  City, MO.
  December 12-13, 2013

* Plant and Animal Genome XXII (PAG), Town & Country Convention Center, San
  Diego, CA.
  January 11-15, 2014 http://www.intlpag.org/

* 40th International Embryo Transfer Society (IETS) Annual Conference, Reno, NV
  January 11-14, 2014 http://www.iets.org/2014/

* Advancing Dairy Genetics: Genomics and Beyond, Tempe, Arizona
  February 17-19, 2014

* 7th International Cattle Breeders Round Table (ICBRT), Sweden
  February 26-28, 2014  Organizer Freddy Fikse

* Biology of Genomes, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York
  Abstracts Due: 2/21/14
  May 6-10 2014 http://meetings.cshl.edu/.../2014/genome14.shtml

* International Cow Fertility Conference, Westport, Mayo, Ireland
  May 18-21, 2014

* PAG ASIA, Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, Singapore.
  May 19-21, 2014  http://www.intlpagasia.org
  Poster Abstracts Open: 1/10/14

* 21st International Colloquium on Animal Cytogenetics and Gene Mapping,
  Ischia, Italy
  June 7-10 2014 http://www.icacgm2014.org
  Abstracts Due: 3/1/14

* Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) Annual Convention, Cornhusker Marriott
  Lincoln, NE.
  June 18-21, 2014 http://www.bifconference.com

* The American Dairy Science Association (ADSA)/ American Society of Animal
  Science (ASAS) Canadian Society of Animal Science (CSAS) Joint Annual
  Meeting (JAM) in Kansas City, MO.
  July 20-24, 2014 https://www.asas.org/...eetings/jam2014/home
  Abstracts Due: 2/12/14

* International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG), Xi'an, China.
  July 27 - Aug. 1, 2014,  http://isag2014.com
  Abstracts Due: 4/1/14

* Bovine Respiratory Disease Symposium (BRDS) 2014: New Approaches to Bovine
  Respiratory Disease Prevention, Management and Diagnosis Denver, CO.
  July 30 - July 31, 2014. http://www.brdsymposium.org/

* 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP),
  Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
  August 17-22, 2014 http://wcgalp.com/
  Abstracts Due: 2/26/14

* 12th Transgenic Technology Meeting (ISTT), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
  October 6-8, 2014 http://www.transtechsociety.org/tt2014/
  Abstracts Due: 6/30/14

* Plant & Animal Genome XIII (PAG) Town & Country Convention Center, San
  Diego, CA.
  January 10-14, 2015, http://www.intl-pag.org/.



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