CRI-MAP Users Forum Posted mail
From  Thu Apr 11 17:59:50 2013
From: "Li, Gang" <>
To: Multiple Recipients of <>
Subject: Error information
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 17:59:50 -0500

Dear Jill:

     When I run cirmap , Build, I got some information like these: 

alloc_srec_pos: Memory bits requested  24. Current marker order: 736 1345
1327 1280 1245 1202 1188 1167 1147 1092 1062 917 1019 992 939 895 893 783
741 728 723 692 682 659 616 484 428 403 380 308 287 244 208 178 230 159 150
129 16 alloc_srec_pos: Required product calculations 2426230968 too high
for order: 736 1345 1327 1280 1245 1202 1188 1167 1147 1092 1062 1019 917
992 939 895 893 783 741 728 723 692 682 659 616 484 428 403 380 308 287 244
208 178 230 159 150 129 16 alloc_srec_pos: Abandoning this order. mle:
Skipping calculation of order Warning: Zero likelihood for order: 736 1345
1327 1280 1245 1202 1188 1167 1147 1092 1062 1019 917 992 939 895 893 783
741 728 723 692 682 659 616 484 428 403 380 308 287 244 208 178 230 159 150
129 16 alloc_srec_pos: Required product calculations 1573477612 too high
for order: 736 1345 1327 1280 1245 1202 1188 1167 1147 1092 1062 1019 992
917 939 895 893 783 741 728 723 692 682 659 616 484 428 403 380 308 287 244
208 178 230 159 150 129 16 alloc_srec_pos: Abandoning this order. mle:
Skipping calculation of order Warning: Zero likelihood for order: 736 1345
1327 1280 1245 1202 1188 1167 1147 1092 1062 1019 992 917 939 895 893 783
741 728 723 692 682 659 616 484 428 403 380 308 287 244 208 178 230 159 150
129 16 alloc_srec_pos: Required product calculations 5380535471 too high
for order: 736 1345 1327 1280 1245 1202 1188 1167 1147 1092 1062 1019 992
939 917 895 893 783 741 728 723 692 682 659 616 484 428 403 380 308 287 244
208 178 230 159 150 129 16 alloc_srec_pos: Abandoning this order. mle:
Skipping calculation of order Warning: Zero likelihood for order: 736 1345
1327 1280 1245 1202 1188 1167 1147 1092 1062 1019 992 939 917 895 893 783
741 728 723 692 682 659 616 484 428 403 380 308 287 244 208 178 230 159 150
129 16 alloc_srec_pos: Memory bits requested  21. Current marker order: 736
1345 1327 1280 1245 1202 1188 1167 1147 1104 1092 1062 1019 992 939 895 893
783 741 728 723 692 682 659 616 484 428 403 380 308 287 244 208 178 230 159
150 129 16 alloc_srec_pos: Memory bits requested  20. Current marker order:
736 1345 1327 1280 1245 1202 1188 1167 1147 1092 1104 1062 1019 992 939 895
893 783 741 728 723 692 682 659 616 484 428 403 380 308 287 244 208 178 230
159 150 129 16 alloc_srec_pos: Memory bits requested  21.

Because I am running a big SNP matrices  to test and build a linkage map, I 
guess may be the parameters in file defs.h which need to be changed fit my 
data.  Do you have any good suggestion for that? 

I tried some changes of NUM_LOCI and MAX_NUM_SWITCHS. I only tested these
and recompile crimap. I don't know how to make a more appropriate
adjustments of parameters. Can I ask help from you?

Thank you very much.

Best regards, Gang



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