Epistasis Problems
1. If a heterozygous white (BbWw) mare is crossed with a heterozygous white (BbWw) stallion, what could the offspring's phenotype and genotype be?2. Horses can also be bay in color. This dominant gene allele (A) masks the dominant black color, but not the white gene or the recessive chestnut color. What is the phenotype and genotype of the offspring when a bay mare (AaBBww) is crossed with a bay stallion (AaBbww)?
3. Horses also carry a dilution gene (D). If only one allele is the dominant D, and a dominant A allele and the recessive chestnut color genes are present, then the horse will be a palamino. If there are two dominant dilution alleles (DD) and all else is the same as previously mentioned, the horse will be a pseudo albino. What is the phenotype and genotype of the offspring when a palomino mare (AAbbDdww) is crossed with a palomino stallion (AabbDdww)?
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