Pig Genome Update No. 3
November 1, 1993
Meeting for Tachnical Committee Members of NAGRP    [go to top]Technical Committee Members for the NAGRP should remember the meetings in Salt Lake City on November 17-19. The technical committee members for all species for NAGRP will meet together. That will be followed by the NC-210 "Mapping the Pig Genome" meeting. One written progress report per station should be assembled and 30 copies should be brought to the meeting. We are looking forward to good discussion of progress, especially on areas of cooperation and collaboration.
Microsatellite Distribution    [go to top]We are now ready to distribute the first 25 pairs of microsatellites. These are on 14 chromosomes and there are more than one marker on 8 of the chromosomes. All of the microsatellites are published. For further information or to request them, contact me by phone or by E-mail at A3.MFR@ISUMVS.BITNET or in Salt Lake City.
Industry Support    [go to top]Industry continues to be excellent for the microsatellite project. The National Association of Swine Records (Berkshire, Chester White, Duroc, Hampshire, Landrace, Poland China, Spotted and Landrace) have donated $2,000. This is the 8th group to participate. We appreciate their support.
Human Genetics Symposium    [go to top]Human Genetics Symposium in Boston on October 2-4 provided an excellent update on the progress of the mapping efforts for the Human Genome Project. The keynote addresses by Francis Collins and David Botstein emphasized the need to look beyond the initial map towards the biology of the genes themselves. In addition, there was considerable discussion given towards the need to use sequencing to look for the reasons for genetic differences. There was an excellent paper in the cancer section of the symposium by Mary Clair King on "Genetic analysis of breast cancer" and others on the genetics of tumors. In the section on "Silencing of Genes" there were presentations on X-inactivation (Mary Lyon), parental imprinting (Shirley Tilghman), methylated DNA (Adrian Bird) and phenotypic switching (Dan Gottschling). Eric Lander chaired the session on complex traits. This section included papers on Type I diabetes (John Todd) and human vision (Jeremy Nathans). The most interesting papers were on obesity (Jeff Freidman) and the molecular biology of prion diseases (Charles Weissmann). The final session had papers on "Functional organization of the genome and nucleus" (Jeanne Lawrence), a novel method to identify new genes (Michael Wigler), an "Update on C. elegans" (Robert Waterson) and "Analysis of DNA sequences in single cells" (Norm Arnheim). The C. elegans genome project is moving along nicely and is a good example of the cooperation needed to be really successful. If you are interested in any of these talks and need the names and addresses of the speakers, please contact me.
Eric Lander and the Whitehead Institution    [go to top]Eric Lander and the Whitehead Institution were kind enough to host me after the conference. I presented a seminar on the swine genome project and discussed the structure of the NAGRP, activities in all the labs and individuals involved, and the progress both in the U.S. and in the world. Eric's group had some interesting insights and ideas. His group is now producing microsatellites in the mouse and hopes to have 6,000 available to all researchers by next year. The first 3,000 should be available by the year's end. This is a fine example of cooperation.
Other Conferences    [go to top]Several conferences involving gene identification and gene mapping are coming up. For details about a comparative gene mapping conference in Norway in February, please contact Harris Lewin by E-mail at Blood@uiucvmd.bitnet. On May 4, in St. Louis, just before Poultry Breeders Roundtable (May 5-6), Iowa State University's Animal Breeding and Genetics group in the Department of Animal Science will co-host a conference with NCR-150 on "Future genetics for the Animal Industry" for industry and university personnel. This conference will cover gene mapping and QTL research and will be directed towards developing more interactions with industry. More details will follow later.
ANGENMAP E-Mail Discussion Group    [go to top]ANGENMAP, the E-Mail discussion group, is up and going. While discussion was light at first it has picked up. Now over 130 people have signed up from all over the world. If you have a question, comment, or just want to see what people think, you need only to direct your inquiry to ANGENMAP@IASTATE.EDU and the rest of the people will see it. You can enroll by sending your E-Mail address (and name, please!) to the same address.
Grant Deadlines    [go to top]Grant deadlines have been announced recently. In the National Research Initiative, relative to this group's interests, they are: Dec. 13 - Enhancing Reproductive Efficiency; Jan. 18 - Sustaining Animal Health and Well Being; March 6 - Improving Animal Growth and Development and March 6 - Identifying Genetic Mechanisms and Gene Mapping. Research career enhancement awards, equipment grants and seed grants are all due Feb. 22. National Pork Producers Council and state pork producer grants are due on December 1st. For further information on the NPPC grants, please call Dr. David Meeker or Mr. Rod Goodwin, NPPC, 515-223-2600.
PIGBASE Access    [go to top]Have you tried to use it but your application to Alan Archibald has yet to be processed? If so, please contact me so I can help. Details on the improvements in our database will be presented at the meeting in Salt Lake City.
Human Genome News    [go to top]If you are interested in getting this information, please write HGMIS, Mailing Address, Betty K. Mansfield, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6050.
Chinese Pig Agreement    [go to top]I am still trying to move the other parties. There may be hope for a solution. I will keep you all posted. If you want to help, send me a note and we can discuss strategy.
PiGMaP DNA    [go to top]Permits to import DNA from the U.K., French and Swedish families (approximately 80 F2 individuals) have been obtained. Transfer permits to allow sending DNA to your labs must be requested. If you are interested, please contact me.
Max Rothschild U.S. Pig Genome Coordinator 2255 Kildee Hall, Department of Animal Science Iowa State University Ames, Iowa 50011 Phone: 515-294-6202, Fax: 515-294-2401 mfrothsc@iastate.edu
Paid for by funds from the NRSP-8
USDA/CSREES sponsored
Pig Genome Coordination Programhttp://www.genome.iastate.edu/
Mailing list: angenmap@db.genome.iastate.edu
© US Pig Genome Coordination Program