Great news! The NRSP Review Committee has recommended for approval
without any revisions the new NRSP8 project proposal and budget. The
Experiment Station Directors who meet in September will have to approve it
but this means we are likely to be approved for another 5 years. However,
a new Swine Genome Coordinator is needed starting October 1. Max
Rothschild has announced he plans to step down on September 30, 2013 after
serving as the Swine Genome Coordinator for 20 years if a suitable person can
be found. If you have interest and questions about the position please
contact him.
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MGI is pleased to announce a new implementation of comparative genome
data. Previously MGI used a one-to-one orthology relationship between a
mouse gene and that of another mammalian species. MGI now uses homology class
data from HomoloGene and supports a "many-to-many" relationship between
mouse genes and their vertebrate homologs. Chicken, zebrafish and rhesus
macaque homologs are now included in this release as well as human,
chimpanzee, dog, cattle and rat. Vertebrate Homology Class pages include:
Gene symbols, Genetic locations, Links to EntrezGene & OMIM, Associated human
diseases, Comparative GO Graphs, Sequences and HomoloGene multiple sequence
alignments. For an example, see this complement component Vertebrate Homology
Class page: The mouse gene symbols
link to gene detail pages which link to gene ontology, gene expression and allele
details. For examples see for the myostatin gene and
for a phenotype detail. Please send questions and comments to MGI User Support,
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On a sad note, Dr. Jan Rapacz, Professor Emeritus of Genetics at the
University of Wisconsin, passed away May 5th. 2013 in Krakow, Poland at
the age of 84. He received the B.S. degree in Animal Sciences (1953) and the
M.S. degree in Animal Physiology (1955) from the Faculty of Animal Sciences,
University of Jagiellonica, Krakow, Poland. He received the Ph.D. in
Immunogenetics in 1959 joint from the University of Jagiellonica, Krakow and
the Medical School, Zabrze-Rokitnica, Poland. His paper on the Heredity of
Rabbit Gamma Globulin iso-antigens (Acta Genetica et Statistica, Basel 1962)
set the stage for his research on genetic variations of antigens in blood
groups and other protein systems. Jan had many positions until he finally
went back to the University of Wisconsin at Madison in 1970 as an Associate
Professor of Genetics, joint between the Department of Genetics and Department
of Meat & Animal Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison. He was promoted to
full Professor in 1978, and headed the Immunogenetics Program until his
retirement in 1998. His early research involved establishing blood groups in
rhesus monkey, fish, mink, cattle, horse, sheep, donkey, and pigs. One of his
greatest scientific achievements is the development of a world-unique swine
model with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) to facilitate experimental
research on atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. This animal model has
evolved over 20 years by breeding efforts that involved unique genotypes and
phenotypes derived from 37 breeds and/or groups of pigs. The FH swine show
very close resemblance to human advanced coronary heart disease regarding
composition, vascular location and progression to clinical events, including
heart attack and sudden death. The model is still used today by cardiologists
and investigators to study coronary events, testing of new drugs and stents
for angioplasty. He was a pioneer in a field that has rapidly evolved from
blood groups to markers to genomes and Jan made quite an impression on
everyone he met and worked with and so it was with me in 1974 when I began my
graduate career. Zhiliang Hu was his PhD student and he recalled his
"unbeatable passion and critical thinking, tireless reasoning on genetic
problems that were so enlightening on how to do science."
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The swine genome coordinator is always glad to hear from NRSP-8 members
and other readers about ways that the coordination effort can be improved or
provide resources that are needed. If you have items of general interest to
the swine genetics and genomics communities that can be included in this
newsletter please share.
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World Pork Expo was in early June and brought thousands of people to Des
Moines. The WPE is usually considered a trade show but with all the
genetics companies it represents an opportunity to meet the end users of much
of the research we do. If you missed this event consider spending a summer
day going to a state fair or other "pig show" to remind yourself about other
aspects of the industry our research contributes to and enjoy some good pork
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Upcoming meetings (see:
American Society of Animal Science (ASAS), Dairy Science (ADSA), and Canadian
Society of Animal Sci. (CSA) Joint Annual Meeting will be in Indianapolis, IN
from July 8 - 12, 2013. For details see
- 64th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science will be held
August 26 - 30, 2013 in Nantes, France. For details see
- Plant & Animal Genome Conference, PAG XXII, Jan. 11-15, 2014, Town & Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, CA. Information is available at
- PAG ASIA, May 19-21, 2014, Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel, Singapore.
Details at
- International Society for Animal Genetics, July 27 - Aug. 1, 2014, Xi'an,
China. See for more information.
- 10th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, August
17-22, 2014, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. See
Items for Pig Genome Update 118 can be sent to me by no later than September 15
Max Rothschild
U.S. Pig Genome Coordinator
2255 Kildee Hall,
Department of Animal Science
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011
Phone: 515-294-6202
Fax: 515-294-2401
© US Pig Genome Coordination Program