Computes linkage groups in a data-set.
The group command is invoked as either:
The group command computes cluster of markers, trying to
identify linkage groups. The clustering is performed by putting in the
same cluster any two markers such that their estimated two-points
distance (using Haldane for genetic data) and their two-points LOD is
respectively smaller than Dist-Threshold and larger than LOD-Threshold. This analysis is transitive in the sense that if
there is reason to cluster together markers and
on one side
and markers
on another, then all threee markers will be
put together (whether there is evidence for or against putting
together). Parameters should be typically adjusted to get a number
of linkage groups consistent with the number of chromosomes in the
CG> dsload Data/ {1 haploid RH 53 118 /homes/thomas/carthagene/test/Data/} CG> group 0.5 3 Linkage Groups : ---------------: LOD threshold=3.00 Distance threshold=50.00: Group ID : Marker ID List ... 1 : 13 35 14 2 : 10 18 17 16 15 11 12 3 : 7 4 : 6 53 52 8 51 50 9 5 : 4 34 33 24 23 5 25 6 : 3 32 29 31 30 28 27 26 20 19 21 22 7 : 2 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 38 37 40 39 36 41 8 : 1 8 CG>
Thomas Schiex 2009-10-27