The NRSP8 Community

Interest Groups
  • Service type: Listserv
  • Service type: Online directory and user profile management
  • User scope: A group of more than 2500 members from over 50 countries on exchange of information relating to animal genome research.
  • Status: Actively in service since 1993.
  • FAANG Group

    ( https://www.faang.org )

  • Service type: Web site; Dynamic content management
  • Service type: Listserv ( 20 lists )
  • Service type: Membership management ( 18 working groups )
  • Functional Annotation of ANimal Genomes (FAANG) - an international collaborative efforts to support the functional annotation of animal genomes (AgEncode like) projects highlighted by a White Paper. Activities lead by Chris Tuggle, Iowa State Univeristy.
  • Status: Working; Being continously developed and maintained. In service since 2015.
  • Epi-genetics Group
  • Service type: Listserv
  • User scope: Epigenetics research interest group.
  • Status: Actively in service since 2010;
  • OMIA-Support group
  • Service type: Listserv
  • Service type: Web site
  • User scope: A communication channel for OMIA database developers, supporters, and interested people, activities headed by Frank Nicholas, Sydney Univerity, Australia.
  • Status: Active
  • QTLdb Curators
  • Service type: Listserv
  • User scope: Animal QTLdb curators communication channel.
  • Status: In service since 2010.
    Sign Open Letter
    to USDA/AFRI
  • What: Call for Restoration of NIFA/AFRI Foundational Program: Support the Animal Breeding, Genetics and Genomics Research
  • Service type: interactive web site to collect signatures
  • Status: Active. In service in 2017.
  • Livestock HTP
    and Big Data
  • What: Workshop: High-Throughput Phenotyping and Big Data Analytics in Livestock
  • Service type: Interactive web service
  • User scope: Meeting registration, abstract submission
  • Status: Active since 2017.
  • Genome2Phenome:
    to update the USDA blueprint
  • What: Genome to Phenome - Workshop to update USDA Blueprint for Improving Animal Production
  • Service type: A info collection from the workshop
  • User scope: Information service
  • Status: Active since 2017.
  • Visions iii Symposium:
    Animal Genetics and Genomics ...
  • What: a meeting web site for the symposium "Star Gazing into the Galaxy of Animal Genetics and Genomics"
  • Service type: Develop and host web site
  • User scope: Information service
  • Status: Active since 2019.
  • Harnessing the ag genomics data -- Best practices for their use/re-use
  • What: a web site for a PAG workshop
  • Service type: Develop and host web site
  • User scope: Information service
  • Status: Active since 2021.
    Misc. Services
    PAG conference roomshare BBS
  • Service type: Interactive web service
  • User scope: Broad PAG conference attendees.
  • Status: Periodically in service since 1999; Seasonally active
  • PAG-Asia conference roomshare BBS
  • Service type: Interactive web service
  • User scope: Broad PAG-Asia conference attendees.
  • Status: Periodically in service since 2012; Seasonally active
  • ISAG conference roomshare BBS
  • Service type: Interactive web service
  • User scope: Broad ISAG conference attendees.
  • Status: Periodically in service since 2021; Seasonally active
  • Vision III conference roomshare BBS
  • Service type: Interactive web service
  • User scope: Vision iii conference attendees.
  • Status: For the time Vision III is being held (2020..2021)
  • NRSP8 members: Let us know if need to set up services on this web site for your activities


    © 2003-2024: USA · USDA · NRPSP8 · Program to Accelerate Animal Genomics Applications. Contact: Bioinformatics Team