OMIA-Support Group
The purpose of this discussion list is to support the OMIA resource. Specific aims include but are not limited to the following:
  1. To receive reports on the operation of OMIA from Frank Nicholas or his successor.
  2. To provide suggestions to Frank Nicholas or his successor on the operation of OMIA, including how best to
    1. safeguard the security of the master database and its backups;
    2. work towards a succession plan.
  3. To encourage the use of OMIA by particular animal species genetics/genomics communities as their resource for up-to-date information on single-locus traits (including those with published causal or key mutations) and non-Mendelian inherited disorders.
  4. To encourage and facilitate curation of OMIA by members of animal genetic/genomics communities.
  5. To agree on a prioritised list of desired enhancements to OMIA and, where deemed necessary, to find means for achieving these enhancements.

Membership of the list is open to anyone with an interest in OMIA.

Only subscribed users (with their email addresses) can post to the list and receive list mails. You can manage your subscription with email commands to the list daemon. For example, to subscribe to the OMIA-support listserv, send mail as in:

      Subject: subscribe
Upon successful subscription, the listserv will send you further information about the list, instructions to use the system for tasks such as how to post, to manage your subscriptions to retrieve the previous posts, etc.

Contact: Dr. Frank Nicholas (email:



© 2003-2025: USA · USDA · NRPSP8 · Program to Accelerate Animal Genomics Applications. Contact: Bioinformatics Team