The Animal QTLdb Releases
2004 - 2024


Release 1
Release 2
Release 3
Release 4
Release 5
Release 6
Release 7
Release 8
Release 9
Release 10
Release 11
Release 12
Release 13
Release 14
Release 15
Release 16
Release 17
Release 18
Release 19
Release 20
Release 21
Release 22
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Release 25
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Release 31
Release 32
Release 33
Release 34
Release 35
Release 36
Release 37
Release 38
Release 39
Release 40
Release 41
Release 42
Release 43
Release 44
Release 45
Release 46
Release 47
Release 48
Release 49
Release 50
Release 51
Release 52
Release 53
Release 54
Release 54
Celebrating 20 years of Animal QTLdb

(Aug 25, 2024): A sum of 11,682 new QTL/associations have been curated into the database. (New additions less obsolete/retracted ones: Catfish: 0; Cattle: 1,066; Chicken: 3,021; Goat: 644; Horse: 0; Pig: 6,813; Sheep: 138; Rainbow trout: 0 -- Net increase: 11,682). To date, the current total number of QTL in the database: 277,842 [Breakdown by species -- Cattle: 192,247 (on 552 traits); Chicken: 18,602 (on 244 traits); Goat: 2,145 (on 81 traits); Horse: 2,216 (on 60 traits); Pig: 55,688 (on 407 traits); Sheep: 4,743 (on 167 traits); Rainbow trout: 2,201 (on 35 traits)].
( This is a joint release with the 22nd CorrDB release.)

In addition, as part of our data quality assurance efforts, updates works were performed on 2,020 SNP associations and 115 base traits data.

Database developments notes:
(1) Multiple Genome Support: Local SNP maps are updated with new EVA dbSNP release 6 ( for 19 genome assemblies. In addition, SNPs are lifted to 3 more genomes for cattle (ARS_UCD2), pig (MARC1), and sheep (Rambo1) using our in-house procedures. This facilitated QTL/association data support for 22 genome assemblies. We will consider depositing this in-house tool for free download if there is a community need. (2) Towards data curation automations: Thanks to Yuepei Li and Kang Zhou from Qi Li's group in computer science at the Iowa State University for their excellent collaborative works, an AI powered literature classification tool has been implemented in the QTLdb the data curation pipeline which has greatly accelerated the literature data processing. See their paper Distantly Supervised Named Entity Recognition via Confidence-Based Multi-Class Positive and Unlabeled Learning" for details. (3) FAQ: the "Frequently asked questions" list has been updated with a few newly added items. The most recent one is on the "QTL sizes" in downloaded data. Please check it out for more details.

( The next database release will be in late December, 2024 )
For most recent updates, please refer to What's New page on this site for related items.


© 2003-2024: USA · USDA · NRPSP8 · Program to Accelerate Animal Genomics Applications. Contact: Bioinformatics Team