OMIA-Support Group Potential Tasks

OMIA website:

Priority Tasks Update Info
* Enable superscripts and subscripts in text boxes
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Return chromosome and location within chromosome for genes
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Solve the BCO2 puzzle
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Generate list of duplicate gene entries
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* search pubmed for candidate references to add
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Acknowledge and list curators on home page
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* fix some authors (data problem)
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* OMIA Administration: change an entry
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* add a page like the OMIM morbid map
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Add search tool for each of the applications under Curate/Omia
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Off-site backup
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Anthing we can learn from the new OMIM?
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Avoid overlap between number and heading in the list of search results
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Decide how to include QTL for a multifactorial trait
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Extraneous refs in OMIA 000901-9615 : Sex reversal: XX male in Canis lupus familiaris
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Change the admin URLs to match the form of the public URLs
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* How can we handle English vs American spelling?
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Issues concerning the "category" options for a phene?species"
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* singlelocus = "yes" but multiple genes
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* unfamiliar fields in Article table
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Replace the terms "cross?species phenes" and "species?specific phenes"
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Show Phene Category if that field is populated
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* better use of MPO
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Enable input to chromosome name, start and stop to genes added manually
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* improve curation history page
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* fix headings in summary table on browse page
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* check valid gene ids in Article_Gene table
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* AND/OR search term combinations in advanced search
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* technical documention
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* system housekeeping
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Create an email "newsletter" tool to advise subscribers of additions to OMIA
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Tool for superuser to check changes before they go live
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Check contents of dump to NCBI
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Other collaboration with Zhiliang
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Ontology collaboration with Zhiliang
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Include species name in auto?generated gene list, for genes entered manually
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Enable curators to enter links to photos and/or movies of phenes
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Facilitate reciprocal links with Ensembl
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* automatic update of local copies of NCBI DTD documents
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Create extra fields in Article table to cater for books and book chapters
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Highlight Landmark papers in situ, with hyperlink to the relevant entry in Landmark papers table
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Create fields to show mutations in standard HGVS format
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Generate summary tables and figures to illustrate distribution of mutation types with in and between species
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Enable curators to access or download the latest version of the OMIA Curator Guide fr om the OMIA curator page
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Create OMIA tracks in NCBI genome browsers
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* When search on gene symbol, return pages for phenes AND genes associated with that gene and with any synonym of that gene
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Create reciprocal hyperlinks to Mouse Genome Informatics
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Create reciprocal hyperlinks to Rat Genome Database
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Create a tool for identifying patents for causal/key mutations, and show these in their elevant phene-species and gene-species pages
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Create a tab to show newest OMIA entries
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Enable hyperlinks from Golden Helix to OMIA (Josh Forsythe)
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Create a tool to enable URLs for commercial genotyping tests to be included on an opt?in basis, with regular automatic checks that the URLs are still functional
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Develop a strategy for automatic update of NCBI's Gene database with new gene/species entries from OMIA
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* Enable a phene search to return existing information in tabular format, with columns "OMIA ID", "Phene," "Species", "Gene"
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Frank Nicholas
on 2013-01-26
* How to improve OMIA by listing the mutation with its flanking sequences. This would help others that want to test for the mutation. (by Matthew McClure )
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Zhu
on 2015-05-01
* Could there be an option to have the discovered disease mutation listed in chronological order (or even by year)? If you try to find what new mutations have been discovered this year from last year its not easy to tell on the OMIA site as it is now (by Matthew McClure )
Comments: (add)
Status: Active
by Zhu
on 2015-05-01
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